Welcome to the exoplanets list [exoplanets@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr]
Purpose of the exoplanets list:
To allow everyone to take part to an electronic forum in the exciting field of extra-solar planets (theory, imaging, velocimetry, astrometry, occultation,...).Content of the messages:
The content of the messages can deal with any subject related to the study of extra-solar planets: questions, answers, discussion, debate, announcements (seminars, colloquium, ...), scientific collaboration, news from an instrument,...How to use the list?
You just have to send a mail to the following Internet address with your message: exoplanets@univ-grenoble-alpes.frThe different requests are processed automatically. The response time is generally in the order of one minute plus the usual delays to carry the message over the network. If you don't receive an answer to your request, this might mean the server is out of order, or there is an error in your request. Don't mind to send me a message if you have any trouble.
All the contributions are archived every month. To get an index of the archives available on the web, click on https://listes.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/sympa/arc/exoplanets. To get an index of these archives by electronic mail, send a mail with the message "INDex Exoplanets" to the address sympa@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr.
Other sources of information:
The reference in the domain of extrasolar planets is the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia (European site, US site).
The managers of the exoplanets list, Fabien Malbet and Jean Schneider.
The old list with its archive are accessible on https://listes.ujf-grenoble.fr/sympa/info/exoplanets