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olbin - Optical Long Baseline Interferometry News

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Subject: Optical Long Baseline Interferometry News

Purpose of the OLBIN Forum

The OLBIN forum has been established to promote discussions and to facilitate communication amongst scientists, engineers, and students who share an interest in the development of optical long-baseline interferometry. The forum includes an email exploder and an archived list of contributions.

The forum was set up by Fabien Malbet (JMMC/LAOG) and Peter Lawson (JPL) with the support of the IAU Working Group on Optical/IR Interferometry. The web site is moderated by Fabien Malbet at the Observatoire de Grenoble as an extension of resources available through the Optical Long Baseline Interferometry Newsletter (OLBIN),, and to promote the long-term goals of the Working Group.

Subjects of discussion

Any discussions or announcements relating to long-baseline optical/IR interferometry are welcome. Subjects might include questions and answers relating to the basic theory of interferometry, practical matters concerning the design and implementation of stellar interferometers with related questions on hardware or software. Announcements are also encouraged, particularly the early notice of new results, announcements of upcoming meetings, and the distribution of abstracts of new papers, or of the papers themselves. Also welcome are announcements of new Ph.D. theses, distributions of new software or catalogs, and requests for collaboration.

Users Guide

To Subscribe to the OLBIN forum

Once subscribed you will be given a password. You will not need the password if you simply wish to view the archive. However, the password is useful if you wish to logon, change your preferences (including your password) and deposit documents or software at this site.

To Contribute to the Forum

Once subscribed simply send your email contribution with a suitably chosen title to the following address:

Further Information

For further information on using this list-server please consult the Sympa website. See for example the HTML Documentation of the list-server software.


All contributions to the forum are posted automatically and are archived. To access the archived lists, click on To obtain an index of the archives by email, simply send a message containing the words"INDex olbin" to the address

Email requests are processed automatically. The response time is typically on the order of several minutes or less, keeping in mind additional delays for the normal delivery of email. If you don't receive a prompt response to your request, there may have been an error in your request or the server may simply have been down. If you have any problem using the forum, please don't hesitate to contact the forum moderator, Fabien Malbet.

19 September 2001

Fabien Malbet (forum moderator),
Peter Lawson (editor of OLBIN),

Jean-Marie Mariotti Center
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